Green River College
Nursing Program Clinical Requirements
- All vaccination proof must include full name, date of birth, and date of vaccine, titer (blood draw), or test
- Expires Yearly
- 2-step PPD
- Must be two separate 2-step PPD tests done initially done approximately 2 weeks apart
- Document must show induration in millimeter, date placed, and date read
- QuantiFERON
- Results must be negative
- Titer
- Only Anti-HBs or HepB SaB test are accepted
- Declination Form
- If currently in process of vaccine series or titer, or if non-converter
- 2 documented vaccine dates
- Titer
- Separate titer needed for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
- If result is negative/low/equivocal must get booster dose
- History of Chickenpox not accepted
- 2 documented vaccine dates
- Titer
- If result is negative/low/equivocal must get booster dose
- Date must be within last 10 years
- Expires Yearly
- Vaccine must be for current season (Sept thru August)
- Proof must include manufacturer
- Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen are the only ones we accept currently
- Proof must include manufacturer
- Only one dose required currently, but may change in the future
- Must be American Heart Association Basic Life Support
- CANNOT attend lab or clinical prior to purchasing
- Expires end of each school year (08/31)
- Purchase at Cashier`s Office 253-833-9111 ext. 3399
- test
- If you have any questions about the requirements, you can email me at